Archive For The “Film School” Category
Her lips were red, her looks were free Her locks were yellow as gold; Her skin was as white as leprosy, The Nightmare, Life-In-Death was she, Who thicks man’s blood with cold. Samuel Taylor Coleridge The Rime of the Ancient Mariner There are many notable cinematic representations of death, the best remembered being…
The Artist (2011) and Hugo (2011) are fictional depictions of important moments in film history. In the case of Hugo, the characters are based on real people, but the story telling is on such a grand scale that the truth is buried deep beneath the surface. The Artist is a good imitation of a silent film even when the characters are verge…
Inspired by Tennessee William’s Blanche DuBois, but much better kept, Jasmine may not be at the end of her rope. Perhaps, like Ingmar Bergman, who provided a sequel to Scenes From a Marriage, Woody Allen will revisit Jasmine at some future date. As Hal’s trophy wife, Jasmine thrives. Giving parties, supporting causes, and lunching…